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Alyssa Nolan


Sedona Salb

Alyssa Nolan (she/her) is a Musical Theatre major, with a minor in  Communications in her junior year. She is currently the swing for Head Over Heels. Most recently, she performed as C/Krista (X) in Lost Girl by Kimberly Belflower. Her favorite play is John Proctor is the Villain by Kimberly Bellflower. Now that Quills & Capes is back, Alyssa is most excited to be able to provide students with a space to share, collaborate, and create their own works of theatre!!

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Sedona Salb (she/her) is a Theatre Performance major, with a minor in  Graphic Design in her junior year. She is currently Robin (J) in Damn Things Will Kill Ya. Most recently, she performed as C/Krista (Z) . Her favorite play is Fefu and Her Friends by María Irene Fornés. Now that Quills & Capes is back, Sedona is most excited about having a chance to write her own stories that will possibly be put on a stage and to help others tell their own stories!

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